Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment is the cornerstone of South Africa’s future. As of June 2008, the total share equity in Corobrik under the control of Historically Disadvantaged South Africans (HDSA) is 45.09%. Corobrik’s shareholders include AKA Capital (Pty) Ltd, a leading black empowerment private equity investment company. Encouraging the development of emerging companies plays a key role in our BBBEE programme. We outsource supplies and services from black-owned businesses whenever possible and encourage relationships with companies that have active BBBEE and Affirmative Action programmes.
Download our BBBEE Verification Certificate below:
As of 30 April 2015, 45.09% of our total share equity is under the control of HDSA (Historically Disadvantaged South Africans). 26% of the total shareholding resides in the Corobrik Staff Trust for the benefit of all Corobrik Employees.
Corobrik has instituted a multi-faceted development programme aimed at both employees and members of local communities. These programmes strive to empower and uplift through education, training and sustainable project development.
An Employment Equity Committee which represents all groups and levels
The appointment of a Skills Development Facilitator
A Leadership Development Programme
A Production Management Training Programme
Training Programme
Weekly technical training lectures
Company sponsored employee study and development schemes
A substantial education and training budget
Annual tertiary study bursaries for employees' children