What is so exciting about face brick as a building material is that you can add texture and depth to a structure by making use of hollowed spaces or stepping brickwork in or out, which also creates an interesting play on light and shadow. BPAS Architects, an award-winning architecture firm that has extensive experience in the design of educational buildings, experimented with various brick bond patterns for Curro Northriding College High School.
Corobrik face brick used | Topaz Satin
Architects | BPAS Architects
Contractor | MNK Projects
When asked what's important when choosing materials for Curro, the leading independent school network in South Africa, BPAS Architects explained:
Materials should be selected for durability, low maintenance and longevity, and should be appropriate to the climate, building use, and architectural context. Such materials contribute to a sense of permanence, as well as to the inherent sustainability of a building. The aim is to promote design, which is economical, safe and progressive.